Category: Other Announcements


NOTICE OF 20th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) Notice is hereby given pursuant to clause 66 of the Articles of Association that the 20thAnnual  General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Housing Development Finance Corporation PLC.  will be held on Sunday the 26th May, 2024 at 03.30pm (MVT) at MEERUMAA EVENTS  H. Meerumaa, First Floor, Violet […]

Public Announcement

Publication of Annual Report FY 2023 Under the Continuing Disclosure and Obligation of Issuers (Regulation No: 2019/R- 1050), Section 18 (a) (Annual Report), HDFC is required to publish annual reports within 04 months from the end of a financial year. Anticipating a delay in finalizing the financial statements and annual report, we have sought a […]

Announcement – 19th AGM of HDFC

Announcement – 19th AGM of HDFC HDFC held its 19th AGM on the 15th of May 2023, 15:30. During the AGM, the Financial Audited Statements of 2022 was approved. KPMG was appointed as the External Auditor for 2023. View official announcement below.

Announcement – HDFC Bond and Sukuk Payments

Regarding HDFC Bond and Sukuk Payments We are pleased to inform all our Bond and Sukuk Holders, that the payments for the below mentioned has been processed to the respective accounts as of 29th November 2022. Please contact HDFC at 3334666 for further information. 1st December 2022