Notice is hereby given pursuant to clause 66 of the Articles of Association that the 20thAnnual  General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Housing Development Finance Corporation PLC.  will be held on Sunday the 26th May, 2024 at 03.30pm (MVT) at MEERUMAA EVENTS  H. Meerumaa, First Floor, Violet Magu, Male’, Maldives to conclude and approve the  following businesses:  

1. Confirmation of Minutes of the 19th Annual General Meeting.  

2. To receive and adopt the Directors’ Report and the Auditors Report FY2023  

3. Consideration and adoption of audited Balance Sheet as at 31ST December 2023 and  the Income Statement of HDFC Plc for the year ended 31st December 2023.  

4. Announcement of Dividend for the year 2023.  

5. Appointment of Directors in place of those retiring, if any;  

6. To approve the Auditors for the 2024 Financial Year and fix their remuneration.  7. Any other business  

Note: If unable to attend the AGM you may appoint a proxy by filling the Proxy Form

05 May 2024